Work with Me

ONE ON ONE mentoring and guidance

one on one consults


Gill offers 1:1 support to parents who want to get into right relationship with learning. This support can make all the difference when it comes to feeling empowered in guiding the academic, physical, emotional & spiritual growth of your children. I support YOU so you can show up for your kids.
Get in contact to set up a support system unique to you and your family.
Group 3Created with Sketch.


To nurture wellbeing, inspiration and creativity. To nourish the light of learning within the heart of each child.
Group 3Created with Sketch.

what our families say...

“There is a place where fairies, mermaids and little woodland creatures reside. A magical place where imaginations come alive. Where bodies stretch and breathe and dance. And hearts expand and feel and grow. Creativity flourishes, wisdom is shared, and little hearts with big feelings are nurtured. It’s a place where nature is explored, celebrated and treasured. Where kindness, respect, compassion, and peace is not only taught, but modelled. It is changing the world one little heart at a time. Born Wise is a gift to all who seek it.”

– Lauren. Mother

“We fell in love with the program the second we entered the room. Gill holds such a beautiful safe and welcoming space for the children to learn, grow and create in their own unique way, whilst also being part of a heart meltingly nurturing group. She teaches the children how to connect with themselves and understand their physical and emotional bodies all through play, creativity, yoga, storytelling, little rituals and more. Amazing!! “

– Nicola. Mother.

“I asked Zac how Born Wise makes him feel and he replied ‘It makes me feel NICE’. It’s a simple word and it’s hard for me to convey what I know he means by it … Safe, happy, warm, cuddles, respected, seen, fluffy blankets, loved, much more and just nice ….”

– Nova & Zac. Mother & Son.


Let’s have a chat

Begin your family’s journey with a curriculum of the heart by getting in contact here.
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