Our Philosophy

A school of the body, mind, heart and soul.

To know ‘Born Wise’  we have to be prepared to play with polarity.

We have to be ready to dance in the space between ideas and words.

Because that’s where our creativity begins.

Born Wise is about understanding we already know everything we need to know. And yet there is always something new to learn.

There’s that beautiful polarity, right?

We are born with internal wisdom.

We come into this world enough.

But, each human is also a work in progress.

We are complete.

But we are never done.

Make sense?



Group 3Created with Sketch.


Does Born Wise follow a set curriculum?

We don’t prescribe to one set educational style or curriculum. Instead, we approach learning with a sense of conscious awareness. We operate from a space of Trust. We get curious. We meet each child (and adult) where they are at. We have created our own curriculum that we follow alongside a team of other like-hearted educators. You can find out more about our collaborative curriculum via the We Are Nature Network


What is Conscious Education?

You will see the phrase Conscious Education woven throughout our work. Conscious Education is a practice both profound and simple.

Essentially we aim to approach teaching and learning from a space of awareness. Part of this process requires shining a light on all educational learning models and systems. We are ongoing researchers, always looking for new ways of being. Always looking for creative approaches to learning.


Learning beyond boundaries

We believe that learning is not restricted to the time and space of traditional school hours or environments. Ultimately we draw upon an approach to learning that combines the wisdom of our ancestors with the world of our future. We look to the past for ideas and even, mistakes. We let ourselves dream about the future. We play with potential and imagine what could be.


Taking back our power

We do this by empowering educators and families to see learning beyond the school walls.

By accessing our creativity and sense of self, we (families, teachers, and children) can curate our own learning journeys. We are responsible for our own growth.



Wellbeing comes first


Each child is born enough


We honour joy, wonder and curiosity


Learning is about making connections


Learning is a life long process

We are each born with a unique blueprint/potential